How do I download a portion of an EBSCO eBook?
Once you reach the EBSCO eBook you are interested in:
- Choose either the PDF Full Text or EPUB Full Text link appropriate to your device (desktop or mobile).
- Select Please Log in for Full Access if prompted.
- Log in with your NKU username and NKU password.
- The eBook will open. In the left menu, choose a download button (next to an individual chapter) to download that section of the eBook.
- When the "Download Chapter" window appears, you will see the maximum number of pages that are available to download. Choose the full chapter.
- Select the Download PDF button.
- If you're using Firefox, a window will appear prompting you to save the file. Select "Save File" and then select OK.
You can check to see if the file is downloaded (saved) by selecting the Download button at the top of your browser window. If the file was saved successfully, you will see the file name listed in your downloads. Select the file name and it will open in the browser window.