How do I check out (Borrow) an EBSCO eBook?
Prior to borrowing or downloading an EBSCO eBook, you will need to make sure you have created a personal "My EBSCOhost" account and installed Adobe Digital Editions. Links to those instructions are below:
Once you have completed the two steps above, you will be ready to borrow or download an EBSCO eBook.
After finding the EBSCO eBook you want to borrow:
- Select the Full Download link.
- If you are off campus, you may be asked to "Please Log in for Full Access." Make sure you use your NKU credentials to log in.
- Next, you will see the "Download eBook (Borrow)" message. Select Sign In / Create Account to continue. You will use your "My EBSCOhost" account credentials to complete this step.
- After signing in, you will see the EBSCO eBook Download Details window.
- Choose the number of days to borrow.
- Choose the Download Format - either PDF or EPUB.
- Select "I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed".
- Finally, select the Full Download button.
- If the EBSCO eBook was download successfully, you will see the "Success" message. Select the Close button.
- If a window appears indicating the file will Open with Adobe Digital Editions, select OK.
- Finally, Adobe Digital Editions will open the downloaded eBook so that you can begin reading.
Note: At the end of the borrowing period, the eBook will be automatically returned and made available to other library patrons.