How do I download a ProQuest eBook?


To download an eBook from ProQuest, you will also need to install and authorize Adobe Digital Editions. Follow the steps in the linked FAQ to complete this task.

1. Click on the "Download" button for the eBook found in ProQuest.

hit download button

2. Select your device and whether or not you're downloading to your personal device.

 Select you device and whether or not you're downloading to your personal device.

3. Now you can download the book. Click on download. The book will download as an ACSM file.

Now you can download the book. Click on download.

4. To open your downloaded eBook, first open Adobe Digital Editions.

  • Open the file location of the downloaded eBook. Have both windows open at the same time. Then, click and drag the ACMS eBook file on to Adobe Digital Solutions.
  • Alternatively, if you have Adobe Digital Solutions as a desktop icon, you may drag the file to the desktop icon and your eBook will open.




  • Last Updated Jun 20, 2023
  • Views 168
  • Answered By Liz Futscher

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