How do I use Alexander Street to watch videos?
Alexander Street is one of our most extensive collections. It provides access to thousands of video (and audio) recordings in a wide range of subjects. Many other streaming video databases not listed above are part of this platform. In this FAQ, you can learn some quick tips on how to use it.
Detailed Video Tutorial
Basic Instructions
Use the search box at the top of the homepage to search a key term (example: counseling). Or, click on the “Disciplines” tab at the top to browse for a topic relevant to your subject area (such as Health Sciences or History).
On the results page, use the filters on the left side of the screen to narrow the results by discipline, format, data, etc.
Choosing a title will take you to a video/audio player to review the material.
Material not available through Steely Library’s subscription should be filtered out, but you may occasionally find an item that only provides a “Sample.”
Looking for other streaming video options? Check out our FAQ about finding other video databases.