What is the difference between EBSCO Discovery Service and EBSCOhost?


EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)

EBSCO Discovery Service is Steely Library's research tool that searches most of the library's individual databases and the library catalog using a single search. Use it to find articles, books, videos, and more. It can be accessed from Steely Library's homepage and is a great starting point for library research.

Screenshot capture showing the start my research area on Steely Library's hoempage.

Note that some databases are excluded from the EBSCO Discovery Service, and sometimes searching databases directly can provide more relevant results. You can find specific databases in our A-Z Database List, where you can browse by subject, type, vendor, and title.


EBSCOhost or EBSCOhost Research Databases includes all EBSCO databases to which the library subscribes. These databases may be searched individually, or you can select multiple databases to search together based on your research interests. Unlike EBSCO Discovery Service, you will only be searching EBSCO resources.

Not sure where to start? Check out our FAQ: How do I choose a database for my topic?

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2025
  • Views 40
  • Answered By Katy Tucker

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